Following Lucy & Ash on their journey from devoted 'sugar junkies' to coconut loving, photograph clicking, NSNG advocates!

Friday, 25 April 2014

Carrot Cake & Cream Cheese Frosting

Hello Clickers :-)

First of all, I need to apologise for the lack of recent posts. Work has been unusually busy and I've just had to throw my all into it. That said, you'll be pleased to read that I'm still very much on my NSNG / Paleo eating plan and continue to enjoy it and lose weight. I've now lost 10kgs which I am most pleased with!

I have continued to snap pictures of my creations and will be sharing them with you over the coming days / weeks but first I must fast forward to today and the cake that I have made!

I've been 'fancying' a nice slice of cake and a coffee with all shop bought varieties being well out of bounds so began my quest to find a decent looking recipe that wouldn't be too involved to make (like I said, I haven't had too much time on my hands of late!). Carrot cake is my absolute favourite, especially the tangy cream cheese frosting but my 'old' recipe would have been ruled out on grain AND sugar grounds.

After reading a few websites and blogs, I stumbled across the Primal Palate's excellent info site and their eye catching cake caught my eye immediately. Armed with a list of ingredients, I purchased the extras that I needed and with Mr B away on business and a quiet house for the weekend, I thought I'd have a bash at making it today.

I had no expectations and fully expected it to turn out dry and crumbly, if it were to turn out at all.. but I kept thinking about all the positive reviews I read and just hoped for the best!

Following the recipe almost to the letter.. the only differences being the addition of soaked sultanas that I thought would add to the flavour and moistness, and swapping half the maple syrup in the frosting for coconut nectar to lower the sugar content, the cake came out AMAZINGLY well.. I have tasted it and can verify that it is absolutely delicious!

It is filling and free from any processed foods. It is also completely grain and gluten free and has no refined sugar. I would consider myself something of a carrot cake aficionado and can safely say to any fellow 'lovers' that not only was this a delicious NSNG / Paleo treat but it is amongst the best carrot cakes I've ever tasted, and one of the nicest cakes I've ever made. Not bad 'eh?

I've pasted the links to the recipe below, you'll also need to follow the recipe for the date mixture and the cream cheese frosting.. and don't omit the ginger unless you have to, it really adds something special!

I just hope I can refrain from eating it all before Mr B gets home from his work trip on Monday!